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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [暮して]

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They have to live on his small income.
He lived idly and found himself already forty years old.
I'd like to live a quiet life in the country after retirement.
And so the two little rabbits lived together happily in the big forest; eating dandelions, playing Jump The Daisies, Run Through The Clover and Find The Acorn all day long.
Some of them go without shoes in this country.
Tom remained single his whole life.
I spent that day listening to the lonely scrapings of a pen. During that time, from time to time, I heard a Java sparrow twittering. It occurred to me that maybe Java sparrows twitter out of loneliness too. I walked out to the veranda to see. Nevertheless, flying to and fro between two perches busily and incessantly, it did not show the slightest hint of grievance.

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