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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [お茶]

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This tea smells good.
What would the world do without tea?
What would I do if tea didn't exist?
What would I do if there was no tea in the world?
This tea is very hot.
The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it.
This tea is too hot to drink.
This tea is called green tea.
Let the tea draw for ten minutes.
Several teas are sold here.
I'll make tea for you.
Would you mind making tea for me?
I'd like some tea, please.
Have some tea, won't you?
It's about time you got the tea ready.
Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.
After we had tea, we began the discussion.
While we were having tea, there was an earthquake.
After you've had some tea, carry on practising.
Come and have tea with me.

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