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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [訪ねた]

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Sheep and horses are set out to pasture, there are sheepdogs too. How about giving it a visit once?
Speaking of travel, have you ever visited New York City?
The question is whether he will come to visit us next month.
I'll call on him tomorrow.
Please call on me tomorrow.
An old friend will call on me tomorrow.
My uncle is coming to see us tomorrow.
I will visit you tomorrow without fail.
If he should call, tell him I am busy.
If he calls, tell him I am busy.
Day after day I called on my sick friend.
I visited my grandmother's house.
He wasn't at home when I called on him.
Please come around someday when you aren't busy.
The visitor was none other than the principal.
When I call on you, I'll let you know in advance.
After a short visit he suddenly got up and took his leave.
After a short visit, he suddenly stood up and said he was leaving.
It is very courteous of you to call on me.
You had better make sure that he is at home before you call on him.

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