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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [本屋]

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The book shop also looks like it closes late.
Every day I waited for her at the bookstore after school.
The bookseller charged me ten dollars for the book.
I always buy the English-language books I come across at bookstores. But since I never read them, all they do is pile up.
I often go to the bookstore.
Why don't we go to the bookstore on foot?
Let's walk to the bookstore.
He dropped in at the bookstore.
He has a bookstore in the center of the city.
Every time he goes out, he drops in at the bookstore.
He dropped in at a bookstore.
I entered the bookstore on the way.
I used to drop in at the bookstore on my way home.
There is a bookstore in front of my house.
I met an old friend of mine at a bookshop yesterday.
For the time being I want to work at that bookstore.
Many high school students hang around at book stores reading comics.
There is a bookstore just 'round the corner.
The bookstore across from the station is very large.
Is there a book store in the hotel?

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