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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [毎朝]

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I make it a rule to get up at six every morning.
I get up at six every morning.
I make it a rule to take a walk for half an hour every morning.
I always take a bath in the morning.
I jog before breakfast every morning.
I walk my dog along the river every morning.
I take a bath every morning in summer.
I take a bath every morning in the summer.
I used to take a walk every morning.
My sister washes her hair every morning.
My mother bakes bread every morning.
My mother gets up at six every morning.
My father reads the newspaper every morning.
My father drinks a cup of coffee every morning.
My grandfather takes a walk every morning.
My sister takes a shower every morning.
My older sister takes a shower every morning.
My sister showers every morning.
My big sister washes her hair every morning.
We jog before breakfast every morning.

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