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His idleness resulted in the failure, and with reason.
I tried in vain to catch him out.
I tried to get him to show what his true nature was, but I couldn't.
I tried to reveal him for what he really was, but it was impossible.
She may well be angry at his remark.
He is not equal to the task.
He may well be proud of his bright son.
No wonder he is so angry.
It's not surprising that he be proud of his son.
It is no wonder that he should say such a thing.
It is impossible for him to do it in a day.
Small wonder that he thinks so.
He had every reason for doing so.
It's natural for him to get mad.
He has every reason for getting angry with you.
There's no talking to him when he's angry.
They lived high on the hog for so long, and now they can't adjust to a simple life without luxuries.
I'm afraid we can't make up for lost ground.
I think it isn't possible for us to make up for lost time.
Unless you have good credit, buying a house is impossible.

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