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No way.
It's impossible.
There is no reasoning.
I was compelled to confess.
I was compelled to confess.
I don't think she is capable of doing this job. To start with, she is far too old.
I made him go.
I was made to drink by him.
I wanted to catch the bird, but I found it too difficult.
I was compelled to sign the paper.
I was forced to sign the form.
It is impossible for me to do so.
I wasn't happy, but it seemed reasonable that his prices should go up like everything else, so I agreed.
Are you overworking yourself lately?
It's impossible to go out now.
No wonder you could not open the door.
Traveling abroad is out of the question.
We found it impossible for us to cross the river.
I can't do it.
That's impossible for me.

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