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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [明確]

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Businesses perceive as competitors a narrow range of the business world; there are many cases where they don't understand their real rivals.
The first point that requires clarification is that the design was purely experimental.
Four points need to be made.
Give me a definite answer.
Will you please make a specific statement?
It's so obvious we don't need proof.
Clarity comes first.
Trading partners are leaning on Japan to clarify its trade policy.
It is not clearly stated in their study if the patients overcame this syndrome during the therapy.
He offered no specific explanation for his strange behavior.
He gave me precise instructions to do the job.
He has no distinct idea of how to proceed.
Clear foresight contributed greatly to his success.
After I asked him a question, what he meant was clarified.
I don't know for certain when he will arrive.
The authors state quite categorically that the female members of only a small number of species also sing.
The important point concerning the complementary distribution is to specify the environment where the individual sounds occur.
I want you to have a definite plan before you leave.
Explain the fact as clearly as possible.
A scientist had to know how to ask the correct question and to state it so clearly that the answer would be, in effect, a definite yes or no, not "maybe".

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