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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [鳴らせ]

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Ring the bell in an emergency.
She walked past clicking her high heels.
They sounded the alarm when they saw the enemy approaching.
They ring the bell at eight.
He rang the doorbell.
He rang the doorbell.
The horse snorted impatiently.
Did you hear someone ring the doorbell?
Impatient at the delay, many drivers began to blow their horns.
I rang the bell and waited.
I rang the bell six times.
Ring the bell when you want me.
In case of fire, ring the bell.
In case of fire, ring the bell.
Please ring for the servant.
Oh, he broke wind.
John was beating the drums loudly.
Master rang the bell.
Tom continued to honk the horn.
Tom snapped his fingers.

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