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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [鳴らなかった]

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"The phone is ringing." "I'll get it."
Fighting with monsters all over the world ... I just can't wait.
All that time the things granddad had said, like the sound of flies flying round a melon, buzzed in my head.
When it sets off the bell rings, "ding-ding". Thus 'ding-ding-train'.
The toaster-oven's timer rings. The fragrant smell of well toasted bread.
The phone rang while I was taking a bath, as usual.
First it thundered, and then it started to rain.
Thunder rolled with menacing crashes.
The kettle is whistling on the stove.
My alarm clock didn't work. That's why I was late.
Although the alarm rang I failed to wake up.
Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up.
When my alarm clock goes off, I always stop it in my sleep.
I overslept because my alarm didn't go off.
The alarm went off at five-thirty.
My father was about to leave when the telephone rang.
She was just about to take a bath when the bell rang.
He arrived after the bell rang.
He came in, and at the same time the bell rang.
Hardly had he finished breakfast when the telephone rang.

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