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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [戻ったら]

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If you were to remake your life , to what age would you like to go back?
I'll wait here until he returns.
I'll wait here until he comes back.
He returned from Canada.
Go back home and call the police!
I didn't even know about that ship until I got back.
I want you to return to your seat.
Please return to your seats.
Please go back to your seats.
Please return to your seats.
Please go back to your seats.
I'll be right back.
I have to go back to work.
When does Tom get back?
You should get back in your car.
Go back to the lab.
Come back.
Hurry back.
The lost sound and colours, after a little while gradually returned but, certainly not as they originally were. Never again would Mai's world return to how it originally was.
二度と再び: 「二度と」を強調した言い方。
Like his trail is clearly the impression of a white belt left on the trail of a slug, that person's trail, the plants rustle at its impurity and will not return to how they were. Perhaps until they are bleached with purity in the cold night's dew, then dried by the morning's stainless sunlight. Mai disgustingly thought.

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