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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [戻ったら]

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He was never to come here.
He's back from his travels in Central Asia.
He will come back sooner or later.
He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life.
He made up his mind not to return to his native country.
He recovered the balance of his mind.
He will be back in ten minutes.
He is anxious to get back into circulation.
He will come back at four.
He left for the mountain never to return.
He came back at about nine last night.
He came back about nine last night.
He has just come back.
He is at work now, but will return at seven.
He is at work now, but will come back at seven.
He should have been back by this time.
He should be back any minute now.
He left home never to return.
I am of the opinion that he will never come back.
I think he will never come back.

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