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Martha is an excellent pianist.
Dr. Hellebrandt is an associate professor in that excellent university.
As a pianist, he is far above me.
As a pianist, he's much better than I am.
Tom is head and shoulders above others.
I am not feeling quite up to par.
We will settle once for all who is the best.
I will judge whether it is superior or not.
They have a very good curriculum at that university.
The machine, which is excellent, has a good reputation.
The violinist has excellent technique.
When it comes to sports, John is very good.
It is not enough to read great books once only, however carefully.
Furniture made of good materials sells well.
His career as a journalist was full of distinguished achievements.
Jim is above any of his classmates in English.
Of all these books, this is by far the best on China.
This is the finest picture I have ever seen.
This is superior to that.
I think this suit is vastly superior to that one in quality.

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