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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ことがある]

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I want to talk to you about something.
No matter what happens, I won't give up.
Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia?
Terms of use may be changed without notice.
Even smart folks become absent-minded at times.
Even smart people are sometimes absent-minded.
Even intelligent people are sometimes absent-minded.
I need a favor.
Sometimes rich people look down on other people who do not have much money.
Have you ever played baseball?
I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow.
I have never been to Paris.
Should World War III come about, there would be no winners at all.
Should you change your mind, let me know.
This letter contains sensitive information that may offend some people.
Have you ever written a book?
I've been there, and it's not all it's cracked up to be.
I've seen a couple of Kurosawa's films.
Do you ever listen to English programs on the air?
My mother was once a champion swimmer.

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