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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ことがない]

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Ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer.
None of us have been to Hawaii.
I have seen a shooting star once.
I have seen Mt. Fuji.
I have climbed Mt. Fuji three times.
I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice.
I was unable to look her in the face.
I asked her if she had been to Mexico.
I have something that I want to say to him.
I have met him before.
I remember seeing him somewhere.
I heard him play the piano once.
I've visited Nara.
I don't have anything particular to say.
I have nothing particular to do.
I have been to Tokyo only once.
I have been to Australia once when I was in college.
I have already visited America.
I have never drawn anything in my life.
My ears sometimes ring.

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