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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ことができなくて]

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We can eliminate C and D since they are irrelevant to the generation of the arcs.
An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants.
I was able to get a job through the good offices of my friend.
Unable to keep up with his friends, he fell behind at last.
The children failed to see the daisies dancing in the moonlight.
Is it possible for you to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow?
The land could just be discerned through the mist.
I couldn't sleep.
Sleepy as I was, I managed to finish my homework.
Again I was able to escape death.
Once again, I was able to escape death.
By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
I can show you a better time.
Only I could answer the question correctly.
A loophole in the law allowed him to escape prosecution.
The trial lawyers couldn't get past the Mafia leader's stonewalling tactics.
Thanks to my mother's help, I was able to buy a mountain bike.
Physics can be defined as the science of matter, motion, and energy.
The room was light enough for him to read the letter.
My father could swim well when he was young.

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