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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ことができなくて]

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She was able to solve the problem in ten minutes.
She could not accept the fact that she and her students had so much while other people had so little.
She could not make both ends meet on her income.
Her sudden arrival prevented him from going out.
I couldn't think who she was when she spoke to me.
I wish I could have persuaded him to join us.
We failed to bring him to agree to our plan.
He cannot answer their questions.
They could reach there without delay.
They can overcome their fear.
They weren't able to discover any secrets.
They could make themselves understood in English.
They couldn't comprehend the seriousness of the matter.
They can speak Spanish.
They're able to speak Spanish.
Are they able to read these words?
They can play the guitar.
They are able to retire while fairly young and enjoy the lifestyle of their choice in good health.
Over ten percent of them can do the work.
They welcomed me warmly, so I felt at home.

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