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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ことができなくて]

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If only they hadn't done that, I might have been able to get somewhere.
He will be able to hand in his report tomorrow.
He can't do without comics.
He could not come because he was ill.
He could not live out the year.
He is too old to try it.
He is able to speak Japanese.
He can speak Japanese.
He's able to speak Japanese.
He couldn't move and had to call for help.
He could not control his anger.
He could not do so for shame.
He was too embarrassed to do it.
He was too shy to do that.
He could put together words from his word list, or spell out words letter by letter.
It is not in his nature to be hard on other people.
It is not in his nature to be hard on other people.
He could not send his son to school.
He is quite capable and can hold his own.
He can handle English well.

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