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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [遊ばない]

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Children like to pretend to be adults when they play.
Children play in this park every day.
Children love playing on the beach.
The children were playing in the dirt.
Are the children playing in the park?
The children would play for hours on the beach.
Children are playing at the back of the house.
The mother insisted on her children not playing in the park after dark.
The children were playing at keeping house.
Instead of watching television, the children played outside.
Children play with toys.
A group of children were playing in the park.
I think it necessary for children to have something to play with.
The children were playing in the middle of the street.
A group of children were playing.
Some children are playing on the grass.
The children were playing in the park.
Children are playing with toys.
The children are playing with toys.
I enjoy watching children play.

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