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Let's use our experiences to nurture the sense needed to make marital relations go well.
Saying they could not support both a wife and an airplane, the two brothers therefore spent their lives as bachelors.
Because they "could not both support wife and airplane" the two brothers spent their lives as bachelors.
Both brothers said that they couldn't support both a wife and an airplane, so they spent their lives as bachelors.
The reason both brothers gave for remaining bachelors was that they couldn't support both airplanes and a wife.
Good habits should be cultivated in childhood.
He has a large family to support.
Reading of literature nourishes the mind.
She was obliged to work to support five children.
It is up to you to support him.
They had a lot of children to provide for.
He works hard to support his aged mother.
He's working his hardest to support his aging mother.
He has four children to provide for.
He has a large family to support.
He has a large family to support.
He had to feed his large family.
He works hard to support his large family.
He worked hard to support a large family.
He worked very hard to raise his family in the new place.

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