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It's getting darker outside now.
Come to pick me up if it rains tomorrow.
I buy the texts, but first I start writing the English sentences that come along without looking at them.
In which case, I was also requested to invite all of you so if you would please accompany me...
He has come to look like a sly-as-a-fox Premier who uses his position's powers to the fullest extent, to his own advantage.
Oh boy ... when they hang out with you for long everyone ends up picking up your bad habits.
There's someone I'm in (unrequited) love with, but that person is busy now and I don't get replies to my emails.
There can be no people who have gone through as many hardships this century as the Jews.
Say ... I can hear screams coming from the women's bath.
I wonder how many times I've come here with her.
Kyoko, startled by the lightning, clung onto me.
And so everything ends up coming down on Mai's shoulders.
The first thing that came to my attention was the large sofa. It was covered in sober coloured leather, the seat and the back both looked wide and comfortable.
There is a matter that we would like to discuss urgently regarding club activities, so please come to the staff room.
It was to say that going to the station was too much of a bother after all so I should come to the hotel she's staying at. Good grief, what a selfish woman!
"Well, it's hot again today, isn't it?" "That's one more time you've started with a bland topic."
Up till now America has called itself the world's police and continued suppression relying on military force.
A-ha-ha ... sorry. I forgot my contacts, Unless I'm right here I can't see it.
Oh, sorry for not noticing you. I can only see it (the game) from here.
Since my brother died suddenly two years ago, my sister-in-law has valiantly kept going the small jewellery store he left her.

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