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You don't have to come tomorrow.
It's not necessary to come tomorrow.
What goes around comes around.
In the midst of this, it is IT that has made great progress.
Expressions and smiles change like that just from applying rouge and lipstick.
If you're doing it in fun, I'd rather you didn't come.
I'm told "idiot" is a bad word, but where I grew up it doesn't really feel that bad.
Since primary school we've been checking for the qualities known as acidity and alkalinity with litmus paper.
The person who opened the door and came in was an utter stranger.
When you start taking medicine it begins working on symptoms, like pain, right away, but that doesn't mean that the ulcer heals right away.
When warm, light, air crosses mountains it rises into the upper atmosphere and does not fall back to the ground. In this, and other, ways wind changes with the terrain.
Why didn't you get here sooner?
Keiichi, the tempura's done, so bring a plate.
I think it is certain that there is intelligent life in this universe, but the likelihood of that life coming to Earth is practically nil.
Whoa, if we keep chatting, despite actually arriving early, we'll end up late!
All things considered, and it's just my opinion but, I think that the value of a present changes depending on how much thought is put into it.
Come on! Quickly!
More horseflies than I'd ever seen came and flew around me.
"I'm just popping out on a date, OK?" "Come home by 7, Sakura!"
Last night it was Yumi who pushed for sex.

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