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Bring your children along.
My sister married Mr Sato, whose father is my mother's friend.
The Yamada's live in a flat below this one.
The Yamada family lives in the apartment below this one.
Mr Yamada frowned on the estimate presented by a travel agency.
Mr Yamada is in charge of the personnel section.
Mr. Yamada is in charge of the personnel section.
I made several calls to Mr Yamada's residence, but no one answered the calls.
Talking of Mr Yamada, do you know what has become of his son?
I'm going to meet Mr Yamada at the Sakura Hotel tomorrow at 6 p.m.
I'm going to meet Mr. Yamada at the Sakura Hotel tomorrow at 6 p.m.
Ms. Yamada translated the fascinating fairy tale into plain Japanese.
Mr Yamada, you are wanted on the phone.
Mr Yamada, there's a call for you.
Mr Yamada, there's a phone call for you.
Mr Yamada, may I introduce Miss Lloyd?
Mr. Yamanaka looks young for his age.
Yamanaka looks young for his age.
Mr Mitsue dropped in on me yesterday.
A Mr. Tanaka came to see you yesterday.

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