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Yamada-san is like a man (but Yamada-san is NOT a man).
Mr. Yamada has five children.
The cafe where I met Mr. Yamada at is here.
I got a phone call from Suzuki-san or such name just before.
Sir, please check out our products (before you go) if you like!
Grandma tells Mai to sit at the table, "It was probably Mr Genji…"
③ ある場所に身を置く。 「席に-・く」 「食卓に-・く」
At that time the horrible things she said about Mr Genji, even now Mai thought it was that "spilling out" of emotion that she herself couldn't stop.

2 内部のものが、外部に出て行ってしまうこと。「人口の流出が著しい山村」「優秀な頭脳が海外へ流出する」
The actions of the former policewoman Junko are rough. Although, usually she is a little bit more of a considerate person but, particulary when it concerns Kanou Mai, Junko takes extra care.
前の事柄を受けながらも,それに反することをつけ加えることを表す。そうはいうものの。ただし。 「君の悪行をばらす。-僕の願いを聞けば別だ」

殊更(ことさら)の殊なので 「特に、際立って、とりわけ、格別、取り立てて、わざわざ、なかんずく」という意味です。 上記と大体同じニュアンスです。
Maybe it is because her house is distant that Miss Toujou is without any friends, her being alone makes me feel saved just a bit.
her house is distant (from her other friend's houses).

2 疑いの気持ちで推定する意を表す。「心なしか顔色がさえないようだ」「気のせいか彼女のひとみがぬれているように思われる」
ie, there is a feeling of doubt with the preceding assumption (家が離れているから).
The fact that maybe in reality Miss Toujou was told by the teachers to come meet me, and to listen to my story … I try not to think of the possibility that in spite of being told that, she didn't do it.
If you don't behave, Santa Claus won't come.

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