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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [裏]

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I love to fish in the trout stream behind my house.
I don't understand the problem; I could make neither head nor tail of it.
There is a small pond in back of my house.
This is the bottom of what inning?
There is a parking lot behind the theater.
When the accountant was arrested, rumour had it that it was for his creative bookkeeping.
There is a kitchen garden behind my house.
There was a large garden behind the house.
There used to be a big cherry tree at the back of my house.
There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house.
There are complicated circumstances behind the matter.
Endorse this check.
There must be something at the back of this matter.
One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'.
You're crazy if you think he's on the up-and-up. The only reason you can say that is because you don't know what he's doing behind the scenes.
Is it true that the Pacific side of Japan is cheerful while the Sea of Japan side of Japan is more quiet?
Heads I win, tails you lose.
I rub with pumice, in order to smooth the back of my feet.
Children are playing behind the house.
How about writing SONY with a permanent marker on the back of the iPhone?

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