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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [離れない]

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We encountered him in a distant town.
I stood at a respectful distance from the old man.
I sat apart from them.
I found that he was gazing at me at a distance.
I hope to get away from Tokyo for a few days.
I viewed the picture at a distance.
I am about to leave here.
I was chained to the desk all day.
My country is far away from Japan.
My house is located at a distance from the station.
I have two children away at university.
We are leaving Japan next month.
We live many miles distant from each other.
We had no notion of leaving our hometown.
I made my brother my agent while I was out of the city.
When parents are far away from their children, there is nothing they can do about their safety or welfare.
With your children away, you must have a lot of free time.
I'm still haunted by a vivid nightmare I had last night.
I live miles away from the nearest station.
Remain at your post until relieved.

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