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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [離れない]

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The station is 100 meters away.
Do not stay away from English, even for a day.
I would not leave you for all the world.
If I'm away from home for a period of time, I will stop mail delivery.
You can leave now. I'll see to our luggage.
Marina Giles left England with her husband in just this frame of mind.
You're not excused from the table.
In the Carteret Islands, near Papua New Guinea, some people have already had to leave their homes because the seawater is washing around their houses.
Why do I even care?
In no case are you to leave your post.
You should watch television at a distance.
Deal is in the southeast of England, about 110 kilometers away from London.
During the tour he broke apart from the group and found his own way.
A fishing boat putt off just now.
The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity.
He left Japan at the end of the year.
We should keep away from the poisonous plants.
The island is cut off far from the mainland.
The island is about two miles off the coast.
The town is two miles away from the coast.

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