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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [立ち寄らせて]

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Please, by all means, drop in when you go shopping.
The other day when I stopped by at a friend's house, it wasn't my friend that came out of the front door, but her husband.
How long is the stopover?
I'm going to drop in on her next week.
Drop by my office this evening.
I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow morning.
Be sure to drop in at my house.
Her method is far in advance of ours.
They had started earlier than us.
They had started earlier than we had.
They are much taller than us.
They dropped in at our house on their way from the movie.
They often drop in at my house.
They often drop in to see us.
They called in at their uncle's house for an hour.
He dropped in on a friend.
He dropped in at the bookstore.
He is bound to drop in on us on his way.
He passed by my house but didn't drop in.
He called at my house.

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