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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [話さぬ]

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She spoke to me in a whisper.
She asked me how many languages I spoke.
She speaks English as well as I.
She speaks English as well as I do.
She told her boss what she had in mind.
She told her superior what she thought.
She pulled herself together and started to talk again.
She is a fluent speaker of English.
She talked long of her experiences abroad.
She speaks English with a foreign accent.
She kept from talking during the meeting.
She likes to talk in our presence.
She spoke as though nothing had happened.
She refused to speak of what had happened.
She spoke in mild accents.
She directed her efforts at learning to speak English.
She can't speak English, much less French.
She is good at speaking English.
She flatters herself that she is the best speaker of English.
Does she speak English?

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