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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [話したい]

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She is not only fluent in English but speaks French fluently as well.
She can speak Spanish as well as English.
Not only can she speak French, she can also speak English.
She directed her efforts at learning to speak English.
She can speak Russian.
She can naturally speak English.
Of course she can speak English.
She can speak English, of course.
She speaks English as if she were a native speaker.
She speaks as if she were a teacher.
She speaks as if she had really been in France.
She can speak French, and is even better at English.
I don't think she can speak French.
She speaks French, much more English.
Does she speak French?
She has the ability to speak and write French.
She can speak French fluently.
She is a native speaker of French.
She doesn't even speak her own language well, let alone French.
Since she speaks in French, I can't understand her.

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