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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [話せなきゃ]

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My mom doesn't speak English very well.
I don't speak French well enough!
I don't speak Japanese.
I can't speak Japanese.
Do you speak Italian?
It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages!
Why is it you can write a letter in English this well, but can't speak in it?
Why is it you can write a letter in English this well, but can't speak it?
Who can speak English better, Yoko or Yumi?
She was too much fatigued to speak.
She was too tired to speak.
She can speak Japanese.
She can speak Spanish well.
She asked me how many languages I spoke.
She directed her efforts at learning to speak English.
She can't speak English, much less French.
She can speak English very naturally.
She can speak French fluently, not to mention English.
She can speak French, to say nothing of English.
She can speak both English and German.

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