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But the possibility seems unlikely.
It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
"This looks pretty interesting," Hiroshi says.
"She likes music." "So do I."
It would be fun to see how things change over the years.
I'm one too, and I'm sure there are lots of night-owls in the IT world.
There's no way something like that would really happen, but it seemed just right to drive the point home.
"I don't think she's an opponent you can ignore like that ..." "That's right, they say a cornered rat bites back, don't they?"
If you keep on like this, you'll probably live to reach 120!
It should be decided in the next day or two.
One more thing. If you try anything on Mayu I'll break your spine.
"Buy a lottery ticket or something?" "Well, I don't think I've got much luck with gambling."
"Are you going to buy a lottery ticket?" "I don't think I'm lucky at gambling."
"What is this? An offering?" "That's right. Put it in this offertory box ... and pull this rope."
"'Yuki', so you do put your own name in." "Yup, isn't that roleplaying's essence?"
I know, as we're going for a walk we could go along the forest path and to the forest mini-valley or something?
In the financial world opposition is apparently increasing against the withdrawal of the proposed bill.
For some reason it looks to be turning out to be a depressing week.
There and back, in total, it looks like being a schedule of about one week.
Get messed up with them and never mind shivs they're probably packing heat.

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