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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [可愛くない]

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This baby penguin is too cute!
I think you fall well within 'cute girl'. You'd easily go and pass in his judgement.
"That's an unusual hobby she's got, the transfer student." "She's cute so it's fine with me."
Sheesh, that Keiko - she's cute or she's hateful, just can't make her out.
Oh man! Aki in a china dress was so cute. I almost lost it then.
She cared for the children out of charity.
That girl has a lovely doll.
I am proud of my pretty cat.
Isn't Yukimasa so cute?
I'd send my kid out on his own for a while if I were you. A few hard knocks at this point might do him some good.
Lucifera Vampirella is cute.
Mary is the cuter of the two.
What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo!
How cute!
You will learn to love your baby.
Jane is fat, rude, and smokes too much. But Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind.
Ken's father loved Ken all the more because he was his only son.
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
Many cultures, many stories, and pretty girls.
I can truly say that baby is ugly.

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