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Japanese cars are right hand drive.
The Japanese economy is going through a period of great stress.
The Japanese people, thinking only of running away in such times, is pathetic.
What will the Japanese economy be like next year?
Visitors are usually asked to remove their shoes before they enter a Japanese house.
Our engineers compared this information with similar products being sold in Japan and concluded that they might compete very well.
My father used to drink beer, but now he drinks sake.
She has a bias toward Japanese literature.
When she was young, she preferred coffee to Japanese tea.
She set a new Japanese record in the 100 meter dash.
Her action is still making waves in Japanese society.
He's a student of Japanese literature.
He has a Japanese car.
He got well acquainted with the history of Japan.
He gave a series of lectures on Japanese literature at UCLA.
His criticisms were aimed at the Japanese government.
It is interesting how he learned Japanese cooking.
Let me take you to a Japanese restaurant.
Do you like to cook Japanese foods?
What do you think of Japanese food?

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