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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [歌いましょう]

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Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.
Everything that is too stupid to say, is sung.
Recently, what with this and that, I haven't been able to sing so today I sang like there's no tomorrow!
I'm going to be singing a cappella at a friend's wedding ceremony.
Why can't I sing like they can?
He is singing with a lot of ornamentation.
What is that song called that Mr. Tsuji was singing in the TV show?
What's the name of the folk song that Mr. Tsugi sang in that TV drama?
The opera ain't over till the fat lady sings.
Yes. This one I can sing from memory.
I carried on singing.
I continued singing.
Who is the girl singing on the stage?
My father carried on singing.
She sang the song with tears running down her cheeks.
She seldom sings, but I think she will tonight.
She rarely sings, but I think she will tonight.
She sang a song, smiling at me.
She smiled at me while she sang a song.
She sang as she walked.

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