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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [歌わせて]

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I can sing it in English.
I want to sing the song.
I heard the song sung in French.
I have heard that song sung in French.
I heard the song sung in Italian.
I can sing this song without the text.
I can sing this song without looking at the lyrics.
I want you to sing a song.
I would like you to sing a song.
We'd like you to sing a song.
We'd like you to sing some songs.
I'd like you to sing a song.
Everybody was singing except me.
Sing a song with me.
We enjoyed singing songs together.
We joined in on the chorus.
We sang around the fire when it got dark.
We sang in chorus to the piano.
We enjoyed singing songs at the party.
We walked along the busy street, singing old songs.

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