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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [選べば]

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They elected him mayor by a large majority.
They elected Taro captain of their team.
They left it to me to decide on a gift.
They held off choosing Mike as captain.
They chose Peter as captain.
They elected John captain of their team.
They elected Hashimoto the Prime Minister.
Their furniture was chosen for utility rather than style.
No wonder they have elected him chairman.
He made law his life career.
He selected a Christmas gift for her.
He was appointed ambassador to Britain.
He was chosen by election.
He was among those chosen.
He played on several pianos, one of which he chose.
He elected painting as a career.
He was chosen captain.
He married a girl of his own choice.
He is engaged in an occupation of his own choice.
He chose his words carefully.

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