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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [得ます]

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Nothing is achieved without effort.
The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.
Anything that can be misunderstood will be.
His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.
There cannot be progress without communication.
The components obtained by distillation of coal tar are as shown below.
There's the chance to get a huge income in this business, a million yen a month is possible!
A qilin with a king too has no limit on its lifespan, but this illness alone admits of no remedy.
I don't expect him to understand my innermost thoughts but I wonder what I can do to get him to hold an interest.
Her bewitching body made her very popular with men.
People who are prone to aggression can be dangerous.
Earn money on the races! Know-how collection on horse racing will have you raking it in!
The communist got his dependable supporter at last.
In this way a passing boat noticed them, thanks to Takeda's scream, and they survived without incident.
"It's the age of BL!" "bee elu?" "Yup, Boy's Love. Books and such dealing with romance between boys."
"Do I really have that good a personality?" "Impossible. After all, there's this time as well, but in middle school you sold off girl's pants all over to bring in the money."
The federal budget was narrowly approved by Congress.
The historical thesis can be summarized by saying that Darwinism has undergone three stages of evolution.
Don't obtain wealth at the expense of your conscience.
Here, if the weather's good, you can get a lovely view.

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