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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [収められた]

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She achieved great success in her business.
She emerged victorious in the struggle.
They won the battle at the cost of many lives.
It is no wonder that a man of his ability is so successful.
It is apparent that he will win the election.
He couldn't make it in business.
He couldn't make it in business.
He worked hard; as a result he made a great success.
He took a picture of the beautiful landscape.
His business was only a partial success.
He won the day by virtue of his strength of will.
It is no wonder that a man of his ability is so successful.
He intervened and settled the matter peacefully for the time being.
It is apparent that he will win the election.
The telecommunications market is totally up for grabs.
A successful presentation of a play.
All the papers were taped up and kept in the safe.
I'm sure your efforts will result in success.
After having fought many hard battles, we were able to bring home the bacon and set up a new government.
Our team came home in triumph.

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