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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [落ち着けない]

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Currency and bond markets are relatively calm.
Land prices still show no sign of evening out.
His face was red and he felt hot and uncomfortable.
When the ship arrives in port it makes the people unsettled.
He felt ill at ease in the new surroundings.
I felt ill at ease.
I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed.
I can not feel at home in a luxurious hotel.
I saw at once that he was ill at ease.
I told Jane to calm herself.
I told Jane to calm down.
I am very ill at ease with strangers.
The nation's trade balance improved last year as exports were strong, while imports remained steady.
At first the trainees were awkward in his company.
Air travel is fast; sea travel is, however, restful.
Try and calm down.
In a crisis you must keep your head.
The students were ill at ease before the exam.
Now that we are established in our new house we shall be glad to receive visitors.
We are comfortably established in our new home.

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