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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [思わなかった]

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Wondering if my daughter had arrived safely I tried to call her but couldn't get through.
I don't think she could spare the time because she is always busy with her work.
It seems appropriate to apply these rules to the voiceless consonants.
Little did I think that I would ever see her again.
I never dreamed that I would meet her again.
Little did I dream that I would see you here.
I never dreamed I would meet you here.
Do you think the Democratic Party will get the better of the Republican Party?
I believe it will be quite a long time before the spirit of democracy pervades our daily life.
Don't expect me in case it should be rainy.
I think it is very good to lead a regular life.
Asahara thinks himself a savior.
To tell the truth, I think you are wrong.
What do you really think of him?
This is really from my heart.
I do think that it is a pity.
I do think so.
The news is too good to be true.
What do you take me for?
You take me for a sucker, don't you?

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