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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [終わらせて]

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We usually play tennis after school.
You are late. The meeting finished thirty minutes ago.
In Esperanto an adjective ends in "a." The plural is formed by adding "j."
You've got to have a strong will to study something unrelated to your job after you've finished working.
I will pick you up after work.
Check your mobile before you finish work?
Lend your money and lose your friend.
I thought the game was over.
Tom came home crying after school.
Call me when it's done.
The Cold War began after the Second World War.
I'll finish it in one hour.
It's not over when you lose, it's over when you give up.
Tom has never dated a girl whose name ends with an "s."
She has done her homework.
Do you really care when I get this done as long as I get it done?
I want to see how it ends.
I hope my part-time job ends early today.
This month really flew by without me doing anything at all.
As soon as Tom finished work, he went home.

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