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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [気がつかなかった]

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Repairing a broken radio I realise over again that I don't have an understanding of the operating principles of circuitry.
"Here ... the sound of the cicadas is different." "Oh my, I'm impressed you noticed. You've got a good sense of pitch!"
They were suddenly aware of a noise in the back of the room.
They did not notice minute differences.
She is unconscious of her sin.
She looked at her watch and noted that it was past five.
She passed by without seeing me.
She didn't notice one of her buttons unfastened.
It was not until she finished reading the book that she noticed who had written it.
She found the money gone.
I noted that her answer was incorrect.
Did you notice her new dress?
I noticed that she sat in the front row.
He was conscious of his mistake.
He was aware of my presence but he did not greet me.
He didn't notice the small video camera above the traffic signal.
He found himself lying on a bench in the park.
He was aware of the danger.
He found the door closed.
He didn't notice the change, but I did.

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