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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [聞ける]

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She regretted that she had not followed his advice.
She turned around when she heard his voice.
When she got lost, she wished she had followed his advice.
She was amazed to hear the news.
She was surprised when she heard the news.
She said to me, "Who arrived first?"
She was never heard to speak ill of others.
She was beside herself with grief at the news of her son's accident.
She spoke slowly in case the students should miss her words.
She heard her name called out in the crowd.
She is obedient to her parents.
She listened to her CDs at random.
She would rather listen to others than talk herself.
She broke down when she heard about the accident.
She insisted on helping me.
She asked after my mother.
She made believe that she had not heard me.
She asked me who had arrived first.
She asked me whether I was all right.
She doesn't speak to me.

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