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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [聞こえた]

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He can't have heard you.
I heard him go out of the room.
I heard him go out.
He was passing by on his bicycle when he heard a cry for help.
He was heard to shut the door behind him.
We heard him come downstairs.
I heard him go down the stairs.
Can you hear his singing?
I heard him coming downstairs.
He was heard singing the song.
Nothing was to be heard except the sound of the waves.
I can hear a cat scratching at the window.
All at once, I heard a scream.
All at once we heard a shot outside.
All at once, I heard a shrill cry.
Suddenly I heard a loud clap of thunder.
All of a sudden, we heard the sharp cry of a cat.
Don't shout at me. I can hear you all right.
I heard the telephone ringing.
Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings.

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