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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [来り]

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If you don't have an accident on the snowy roads I think you should be able to get back safely.
On the way we dropped in at the shops and bought foodstuffs. They say well prepared means no worries.
A Mr Brown came to see you when you were out.
A Mr. Brown came to see you when you were out.
If you can't make it, call us as soon as possible.
Something must have happened to him on the way.
Why didn't you phone before coming?
Whoever comes will be welcome.
You must make it clear whether you can come.
Let me know whenever you come.
If you can't come on the day of your appointment, be sure to let us know by the previous day.
Shall you be able to come tomorrow?
Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?
I had him come while I was still in bed.
She was unable to come because of illness.
She has been busy preparing for the coming trip to the U.S.
She has been busy preparing for the coming trip to the U.S.
It's anybody's guess when she'll come.
They were not sure whether they could come or not.
He cannot come, he is ill.

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