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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [食わされ]

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He grits his teeth and forces back his growing fear.
"Oh? Then, as I expected, I've been around longer than you. This year I'm 20-mumble years old." "What does that tell me?"
There is no accounting for tastes.
The dog ate a watch and a Japanese fan.
The leak needs to be stopped immediately.
The couple next door are fighting again.
I'm so hungry, I ate it.
No one in his right mind wants anything to do with a domestic quarrel.
I was thrown off guard.
She smacked him across the face.
She got first prize in the eating contest.
He bit off the meat.
He surprised his opponent.
He has been barred from the club.
He was confused by a sudden question.
Large cars use lots of gas.
The great fish eat the small.
The angry wife was on the warpath; she hit her husband with a broom for coming home late and drunk.
The boss bawled me out.
I dislike her unfriendly attitude.

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