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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [探さず]

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"This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed.
I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn't find one.
I'm looking for a school where I can paint portraits.
It would only take 100 or 500 yen coins, so I search for change but don't find any.
Even walking till my legs turned to lead I couldn't find one that I liked.
Stop putting off finding a job.
I hurriedly started searching in earnest.
I searched at the pub for the person I had met online, but there was nobody who looked like that.
I'm looking for a coat. I'm short so the length should be on the short side, and as refined a design as possible.
Heck, with oboe players there are those who, rather than search for a reed that suits them, find it faster to make their own.
The old man looked about for his hat.
The lovers roamed around the fields in search of wild berries.
It is not true that both of the parents tried hard in search of their daughter.
I looked around for a weapon just in case.
I've been looking for you.
I've been searching for my puppy for weeks.
I felt after the switch in the dark.
I looked about for the mailbox.
I looked around for a mailbox.
That isn't what I'm looking for.

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