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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [探さなきゃ]

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I am looking for a present for my mother.
Finding an apartment can be difficult.
I'm looking for a gift for my father.
My husband is out of work and looking for a job.
I'm looking for a leather shoulder bag.
She searched for her granddaughter who had been taken away.
She looked for her friends but found none.
She looked for her ring with her eyes wide open.
She searched about for her lost boy.
She was looking for a room with a bath, and found one near here.
She is always finding fault with her husband.
She is always finding fault with others.
She is looking for a job where she can make use of her foreign language ability.
She is only critical of me.
She troubled herself to take me to the house I was looking for.
She went into the woods in search of her lost child.
She was taken ill on holiday and had to find a doctor.
She is after a better job.
She looked in her bag for the key of the house, but could not find it.
She felt in her handbag for her ring.

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