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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [探さなきゃ]

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He searched for the key.
He fished in the drawer for the key.
He searched his pockets for the key.
He has been looked for by the police.
I hear he is looking for work.
He searched all day for the letter.
He hunted for his missing cat all day.
He groped for the doorknob in the dark.
He was feeling for the light switch in the dark.
He was looking for a good job.
He is seeking a good job.
He is after a better job.
He felt in his pocket for his wallet.
He felt in his pocket for his lighter.
He moved to New York, where he looked for a job.
He could find her house easily.
He is quick to find fault with the student's penmanship.
He is going after a job in the city.
He is always finding fault with the work of his secretary.
He is always finding fault with other people.

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